Thursday, March 12, 2009

Well its another day, and i am still here. It has been a crazy week for all those that know us probably know that Trevors dad was in a bad accident. He was boogie boarding in the ocean in California and a wave came and threw him in the air and slammed him on the ground. It left him Paralyed from the waist up. It has now been a week and he is starting to get his feeling back, with therapy. The reason that I am writing about this is " that you never know when things can happen. What we have and what we love can be taken from us in an instant. So my thought for the day is tell all that you l0ove that you love them and give them a great BIG hug. Cause u never know when it might be your last. Other than that life is ok my health is as good as it can be, I just have to keep thinkind that the Lord dont give us more than we can handle.

Another Day

Monday, March 9, 2009

March 10, 2009

Well its been awhile since my last post and boy has a lot happened. First of all my computer broke so we have been down and out for the count since November, and boy did it suck. Since than a lot has changed Taylor is getting so big he throws me around me trying to discipline him is a joke. He tells me that it dont hurt when i kick his butt, so i am pretty much at a stand still with him. He is getting so bigh the other day we were drivin and he told me that he needed a break till at least next Thursday. He says the darndest things, and when he is acting up all my mother says is you never acted like this so it must be a boy thing. And to be honest i dont know if it is or not since he is my only child. No not by choice either, i would love to have another ine but the doctors say no! Anyways i am gettin tired so this is it for now if any one would like to give me some advice on how to control my three year old... PLEASE DO!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Well its the night before Thanksgiving and I think that i should let everyone know what I am thankul for. 1. For my father in heaven and all the many blessings that I have been blessed with.
2. My husband Trevor and my little terror Taylor, whom I love more than life itself. 3. My mom and dad, I dont know what I would do without them, my mom is constantly reminding me what I have to be greatful for.4. My inlaws and other family members. I know that without each and every one that my life would not be complete. I hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving and that we can all remember what there is to be thankful for.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday night

Well its Saturday and we decided that we would take Bugs to the movie "Bolt" that is a darling show to take your kids to, I thought that it was awesome. So we did that then came home and decided to work on the Christmas tree, wow was that a chore. We didnt get much done but hey its the thought that we all as a family worked on it, Trevor was helping with the bows, and Taylor bug we he was pulling them off as fast as I was putting them on. But it was Great! So then i asked Taylor if he wanted his own tree and he did, so I went downstairs and got one of my small lighted craft trees and together he and I decorated it. He is such a blessing in my life, i never knew that you could love someone so much, I am so grateful for him and Trevor. My life is still the same, I went to the doctor, and there is just nothin like being told that your a mess! Thats so much fun! i am in a situation that I hate my body is a Mess as the docs say all thanks to a wonderful OB that delivered me... three years ago. Anyways my health sucks but i have a great family so its ok.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hey all well it's Wednesday again, hard to believe the week is almost over again... Before we know it Thanksgiving is gonna be here, wow how time flies. Anyways today was a regular day Taylor is getting so big he says the darndest things, i sometimes don't know where he got his smartness, it was definately not from me, must be from Trevor. Things are the same get up go to work come home, not much has changed. Today i put up one of of my Christmas trees, crazy i know, but i am so getting in the Christmas spirit. I have decided that i need alot more decorations a bare tree is no longer wanted in the Scott house... Well Tomorrow i am off to the doctor in SLC oh yea, i hope that he can help me and i hope that there wont be anymore surgeries. Anyways my thought of the day is keep your family close, you never know when they will turn there back on you...Later

Monday, November 17, 2008


Well its another day, today I was at walmart and ran in to my friend courtney, and i realized how fast time flies, it was just yesterday , it seems that we were going to high school and hanging out at eachothers house. And now we are both moms, well she has three kids and i only have one, but Wow how time flies. I wish that i would have taken the moments with my friends more seriously and had just a litte bit more fun... if that's possible. HA HA anyways things are good Taylor told Trevor the other day that he couldn't take a nap cause Trevors work alarm clock told him that it was time to get up, he is soo funny he says the funniest things. My family is a great blessing in my life. And so are my friends, I just wish I had more!